Repairing Common Problems Dairy Brick Can Encounter

20 July 2021
 Categories: , Blog


There are few types of flooring that are more durable than dairy brick. While this can make it a robust choice for a variety of different types of buildings, there are still some problems that you may need to have repaired with this type of flooring.

Brittle Grout

The grout is responsible for holding the numerous bricks in place. While the grout can be extremely durable, it can slowly start to degrade over time. This will most often result in the grout starting to become extremely brittle. Luckily, there are procedures that allow you to replace the grout currently between your dairy bricks. While this can be a fairly lengthy repair to make on larger floors, it should provide you with results that are able to last for years before needing any more work done to it.

Spreading Cracks

A crack forming in your dairy brick floor can be a serious problem due to the threat of it spreading. It is often possible to repair shallow cracks in the floor with the use of resins that can close the crack and bind the two sides of it together. Unfortunately, extremely deep cracks or those that have spread across multiple bricks may have to be repaired by completely replacing the damaged bricks. Fortunately, you can limit the scope of these repairs by having the damaged bricks addressed as soon as possible so that you can reduce the risk of it spreading across larger areas of the floor.

Deep Stains

Dairy brick can be a fairly porous option for flooring, and this can lead to it being somewhat vulnerable to developing deep stains. These stains can be extremely difficult to remove once they have had time to set into the material. A professional dairy brick repair service may be able to address this problem by refinishing the surface. This will involve removing a thin layer of the brick so that the unstained underlayer can be exposed. Once this is done, a new sealant and finish can be applied to the brick so that it will be better able to withstand the wear that is expected.

If your dairy brick has suffered some common damages, you will need to hire a dairy brick repair contractor company, such as Archway Brick and Tile, to handle these problems. In particular, there are a few types of repairs that these services will commonly be called upon to repair for their clients. By recognizing these problems, you will be able to act more quickly when your floors start to encounter issues.